Monument to the Martyrs of Pratarelle

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The monument was erected in 1964 as a permanent memory of the victims of the massacre which took place June 7, 1944 in the village Pratarelle hands of the Nazis.

Allied troops commanded by Lieutenant Louis Domissy French were at the gates, when a 'last garrison of German troops massacred 26 people Vicovaresi, after killing three other farmers just two days earlier (June 5, 1944) near Villa Spada in the S. Vito. These terrible events were preceded by the arrest on 7 November 1943 in Vicovaro of 10 alleged anti-fascists (including Riccardo Di Giuseppe tortured at the Palazzo Cenci-Bolognetti) who were then transferred to Regina Coeli, where they were detained for a long time awaiting trial. Riccardo Di Giuseppe, considered a subversive for refusing to make an act of submission to the fascist regime, was repeatedly tortured at Via Tasso and finally judged by the German military court which condemned him to death by firing squad, he died in Forte patented in November 22, 1943. The monument bears the names of the martyrs of Pratarelle, Villa Spada and Richard Joseph. The ANPI section 'Riccardo Di Giuseppe and Franco Perozzi', together with the municipality of Vicovaro, the Association of Martyrs Pratarelle and the Association for the Memory and the History of the Resistance in the Aniene Valley every year recall the 30 victims of the massacre Nazi-fascist through the deposition of flowers at the monument to the martyrs of Pratarelle, to the Martyrs of Villa Spada and Richard Joseph, a solemn mass in their memory, and various events. This will help not to forget a tragic piece of history of our country, keeping alive in the minds of the people the great loss suffered during the years of World War II.

Monumento ai Martiri delle Pratarelle
Monumento ai Martiri delle Pratarelle - Dettaglio Epigrafe
Epigrafe Monumento ai Martiri delle Pratarelle
Monumento ai Martiri delle Pratarelle


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Piazza Martiri delle Pratarelle, 00029 - Vicovaro (RM)
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Uffici Turismo e Cultura del Comune di Vicovaro
Via Delle Scuole, 1 - 00029 Vicovaro
Tel: 0774 498002
E-mail: Ufficio Turismo

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