Cenci Bolognetti's Palace

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In 1191 Pope Celestine III granted the feud of Vicovaro to his nephews, Counts Orsini of Tagliacozzo.

Thanks to their dominion - lasted from 1273 to 1464 - the ancient settlement of Vicus Variae became a Ghibelline stronghold. Around 1600 the Orsini family was forced to sell its feuds because of their debts and Vicovaro was auctioned too. It was purchased in 1692 by a noble family from Bologna (from which city derives its name Bolognetti). From 1693 to 1721 the Bolognetti Family transformed the medieval castle into a residence and an agriculture administration centre - according to the project of the architect Sebastiano Cipriani. The new settlement provided an expansion and a reorganization of the spaces, connecting the palace with the new St. Peter the Apostle Church by a frescoed precious gallery with view and landscapes painted by Salvatore Monosilio. A north wing with two cylindrical towers, the entrance Cordonata and a lovely Gothic portal are the only remains of the ancient castle. The artistic value of the new building is on the austere structure of the façade, enlightened by the portal and the central window. A grand staircase leads to the hallway that connects on the one hand the halls of the ancient castle and on the other hand it leads to the guests rooms, and to a staircase leading to the upper rooms of the servants. Entering the palace, on the wall of the first landing, Count Ferdinand wanted to affix a commemorative plaque - still present today - with the inscription: "The Most Excellent Count Ferdinando Bolognetti, Prince of Vicovaro and Roman Baron".

Palazzo Cenci Bolognetti
Affresco del Palazzo Cenci Bolognetti
Palazzo Cenci Bolognetti - Carretti
Ingresso del Palazzo Palazzo Cenci Bolognetti
Palazzo Cenci Bolognetti - Affresco
Palazzo Cenci Bolognetti - Altare della Cappella
Cappella del Palazzo Cenci Bolognetti
Corridoio del Palazzo Cenci Bolognetti
Dipinto all'interno del Palazzo Cenci Bolognetti
Entrata del Palazzo Cenci Bolognetti
Panoramica dell'Esterno del Palazzo Cenci Bolognetti
Giardino del Palazzo Cenci Bolognetti
Interno del Palazzo Cenci Bolognetti
Palazzo Cenci Bolognetti - Porta Interna
Porta del Palazzo Cenci Bolognetti
Palazzo Cenci Bolognetti - Resti dell'Affresco
Salone Affrescato del Palazzo Cenci Bolognetti
Specchiera all'interno del Palazzo Cenci Bolognetti
Terrazza del Palazzo Cenci Bolognetti
Palazzo Cenci Bolognetti - Porta Affrescata
Palazzo Cenci Bolognetti - Salone Interno
Palazzo Cenci Bolognetti - Scalinata


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P.zza San Pietro, 00029 Vicovaro (RM)
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Uffici Turismo e Cultura del Comune di Vicovaro
Via Delle Scuole, 1 - 00029 Vicovaro
Tel: 0774 498002
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