Church of Saint Anthony the Abbot

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In the South of the inhabited centre of Vicovaro between the Tiburtina Valeria road and the Aniene river, there is the Church of Saint Anthony the Abbot.

It was erected on the ancient opus quadratum substructures of the ancient Tiburtina Valeria road by the Confraternity of SS. Cross of Vicovaro in the 15th century. Extended by the architect Pietro Torelli between 1743 and 1755, this church presents a plant characterized by a central altar and three lateral chapels joined by a single nave which ends into the sacristy. The major altar preserves a wooden crucifix of the 16th century. Worthy of note is also the polychrome terracotta statue of Saint Anthony the Abbot belonging to the 16th century. The external shows a Renaissance portico articulated into four columns in coral gravel with Doric capitals of the Flavian age. In front of the church there was the Hospital (16th century) where poor people were welcomed and people suffering from shingles were cared for.

Chiesa di Sant'Antonio Abate
Altare Beata Vergine Chiesa Sant'Antonio Abate
Antico Stemma Chiesa Sant'Antonio Abate
Campanile della Chiesa di Sant'Antonio Abate
Chiesa di Sant'Antonio Abate
Altare Chiesa di Sant'Antonio Abate
Chiesa di Sant'Antonio Abate Dettaglio dell'Affresco
Chiesa di Sant'Antonio Abate Esterno
Colonne della Chiesa di Sant'Antonio Abate
Dettaglio Affresco della Chiesa di Sant'Antonio Abate
Dettaglio Angeli Chiesa di Sant'Antonio Abate
Dettaglio Antico Stemma della Chiesa di Sant'Antonio Abate
Dettaglio Capitello Chiesa Sant'Antonio Abate
Esterno della Chiesa di Sant'Antonio Abate
Organo della Chiesa di Sant'Antonio Abate
Raffigurazione all'interno della Chiesa di Sant'Antonio Abate


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Via Sant'Antonio, 00029 - Vicovaro (RM)
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Uffici Turismo e Cultura del Comune di Vicovaro
Via Delle Scuole, 1 - 00029 Vicovaro
Tel: 0774 498002
E-mail: Ufficio Turismo

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